I drove DH's truck, pulling Little K for the first time today. DH drove us over to the community college parking lot (just down the street), and then I took the wheel and practiced driving and backing up.
Given that the backing up a trailer thing is 100% counter-intuitive, I struggled quite a lot. But DH was very patient (and I was patient with myself), we didn't keep at it for too long, and we never felt the need for a divorce attorney. It was a good start. So I'll just practice a lot and hopefully I'll get the hang of it by the first part of June, when I plan to drive the rig (tee-hee...I have a "rig"!) up to Canada for a Flyball tournament.
Just picture it...me, Wyatt, and Raff, rolling down the road, on our way to barking mad fame and glory. We'll stay in comfort (er, I guess that should be Komfort) in the parking lot at the tournament arena, with all the other Flyball die hards.
Wyatt can sleep under the dinette, and Raff can sleep wherever he likes. Probably on my head.
I am very excited. I am not a huge fan of traveling...okay, I hate it to the point of give-me-drugs-now anxiety. I can only handle going to Flyball tourneys because I can bring a dog or two along. But for the most part, the thought of leaving my hearth and home is completely abhorrent to me. Now, however, I'll never be without my home again.
From now on, my travels will all be done BYOH...bring your own home.
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