It's been a year since I started eating low carb as a lifestyle (vs. my previous dieting fits and starts of all kinds.) I lost 15 pounds, only to gain back about 8 from October - eating everything in sight. Since the holidays, I've lost 4 of that, so I'm happily back on track. I'm glad I didn't regain ALL the weight I'd lost, and I'm glad to be able to get back in the saddle. That adds more to the "lifestyle" feel of this, vs. being perpetually on a diet.
It's been about a year since I started this blog. It's been a lot of fun.
In March, DH and I will celebrate our 21st anniversary. Not bad for a couple that got married thinking, "What the heck--we can always get a divorce!"
And this very weekend marks the anniversary of our moving to Salem. We'd been in self-imposed exile in Santa Fe, NM for 4 years--and for 3 years and 364 days of that, we knew we'd made a mistake in moving away from the Pacific Northwest. In the land of sunshine, blue sky, and desert air, the longing for green and gray and moisture was like a constant ache. We tried to make the best of it, but as soon as a resume-appropriate period of time had passed, we got the heck out of there.
I moved to Salem first to start my job, while DH stayed to finish selling the house. I stayed at a co-worker's house for 6 weeks...I'm still amazed by her generosity, when I think about it. During that time, DH flew up for a one-day marathon house-hunting expedition. Fortunately, we found one we liked, put in an offer, and it was accepted.
In March of that year, I flew back to NM to help with the final bits of the move. DH and I drove separate cars, packed with 4 dogs and enough belongings to get us by until the moving van caught up with us. We left NM with a fierce snow storm snapping at our heels--they were closing I-25 behind us, but fortunately we squeaked through first. I had the feeling NM was reluctant to release us from its clutches...a feeling that was strongly reinforced by the fact that as soon as we crossed the AZ border, the storm ceased. Hmmmmmmmm.
But our first few years here were, let's face it, pretty horrific. Here's the Reader's Digest version:
In July 2005, Smokey, who was essentially our first dog and who got us hooked on Keeshonden for life, and who was riddled with serious illnesses (epilepsy, hypo-thyroidism, Cushing's, arthritis) died. Then Peeka, our other Keeshond, was diagnosed with lymphoma in September, and she died in December. They were both only 8 years old.
DH's father died in October of that year. And I lost my mother in November that year.
2006 stayed uneventful, and was even pleasant for quite a while. We had adopted Raff in August of 2005, and then in April 2006, we adopted Wyatt. I started playing Flyball. All good stuff...until that fall, when calamity struck at work. The financial aid budget was overpsent by $2 million. While I was able to demonstrate, with hard data, the causes for that (underbudgeting combined with a higher need population), the administration was still understandably upset and wanted a fall guy. I spent the entire fall semester justifying my existence and defending my position.
In January 2007, just when it seemed that I was going to be able to keep my job, I got a call from Human Resources, telling me that one of my employees (whose name was kept anonymous) had accused me of financial malfeasance and of creating a hostile work environment, and that there would be an audit and an investigation. Those words are not designed to enhance anyone's calm. I started buying wine by the case, and DH and I "went to ground." I spent every evening holed up in our cave (what others might call a living room), drinking wine and watching Firefly DVD's...this was every evening for months, mind you. You do what you have to.
Fortunately, the investigation showed that there was no hostile work environment (and I will now express my eternal gratitude to the wonderful women in our office who rose to defend me with stunning ferocity). The anonymous employee quit. And the financial audit showed no evidence of financial malfeasance, so that issue was resolved as well.
By July 2007, I had been cleared of all charges, and I also had a new boss who had faith in my abilities and had no desire to fire me. Things were looking up...finally.
The rest of 2007 and pretty much all of 2008 were good. More than good. They were great. Everything I'd dreamed of, while in the depths of my despair in NM, came to pass. I played. Played and had fun! I played with dogs until my knees ached. I played in our yard and took steps to make our little home a little prettier. I played in the kitchen and found a way to eat without constantly doing damage to myself. My biggest challenges this year have been facing Sheila's retirement, accepting Raff's temporary lameness, and dealing with gaining 8 pounds. Oh, boohoo!
It's a fundamental truth of the universe that bad times will always be followed by good times...only to be followed by bad times again...but then there will be more good times. And so on. I find it easier and easier as I grow older to cherish--relish!--the good, and then lean in with my shoulder to muddle through the bad, recognizing the alarming temporariness of it all.
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It is comforting to read that the bad will always be followed by the good. It is that kind of hope that I think keeps all of us going. May your good times last as long as possible!
and again I say...I love reading your writing! Would you please outline your low carb eating plan??
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