Wy-man thought the cheerleaders were the BOMB.
It was the Weds. before Thanksgiving, and the show was sold out--which meant there were 20,000 cheering fan for us! Also, it was just before Oregon's big "Civil War" football game (OSU vs. UofO), so the organizers asked if the Flyball teams would dress up in Civil War gear. (Yes, not being from Oregon, when I first saw that request, I thought, "We're supposed to wear blue and grey?" No.....) OSU colors are orange and brown, UofO are green and yellow. We complied. The crowd went wild.
He was such a pro. Some of the dogs were a bit put off by the crowd noise (it really did sound like thunder...good thing Sheila wasn't there.) But Wy-Fi didn't even notice. He saw the ball at the end of the lane, I said the magic words ("reeeeady, ready, GO PUSH!"), and he was off.

1 comment:
I will say again, he just looks so comfortable with the cheerleaders! I love it!
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