Finally, after over 5 years of on-again-off-again training, I overcame my reservations and entered Sheila in an Agility trial. We just entered for 1 run, 1 day--CPE Level 2 (novice), July 19, 2008, in Turner, OR.
I was nervous, but not as bad as I can get sometimes. I kept it pretty cool, if I do say so myself. My strategy was to keep Sheila in the car so that she wouldn't get too stressed out. We had to wait for about 4 hours before we finally got to go, so it was good that I'd made that plan. By the time it was our turn, she was still pretty fresh and engaged. (When she gets too stressed out, she just disconnects completely.)
I won't say it was perfect--there was some sniffing before the dog walk, and again after the 2nd jump, and again before the teeter. We had to restart the weaves once. At one point I said "here" when I meant to say "go", so we almost got tangled up.
But the rest of the run was pretty...it felt good. I gestured, she went to the right place and did the right thing. I turned, and she moved with me. And most of the time she was smiling and enjoying herself (nevermind the sniffing!)
A professional photographer, Joe Camp, was there. He took this photo.
This might be...well, pretty much for sure was, Sheila's first and last Agility trial. We took an Agility class to get ready for it, but even though I kept her jump heights low (8 inches), and even though we kept training light and rep's few, it seemed to take it's toll. She's nine years old now, and she has spondylosis and probably arthritis in her shoulders, too. For the latter half of July, and now most of August, she's been pretty uncomfortable...waking up in the night, panting, pacing, can't get comfortable. Slowly she's improving, but I can't conscience pushing her any further.
It's all just play now...whatever she wants to do.