Holidays are done, which is actually fine by me. The tree, indoor and outdoor decorations--all gone. Good. They get a bit wearing after a while, and once New Year's has past, I'm impatient to get back to normal life.
But, sadly, a big part of normal life is going back to work. I've had two wonderful, restful weeks off. I was able to lose track of what day of the week it was, at any given moment. I didn't have anywhere to be and had nothing in particular to do. I woke up each morning without looking at the alarm clock and mumbling "f**k".
And I did accomplish a few things:
I cleaned out my closet.
I started knitting a throw for the bedroom (that's gonna take a while to finish, so nobody hold your breath.)
I read (
The Secret Life of Bees, and #6 in the
No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency series).
I cooked.
I played with dogs a LOT, even took Raff back to Flyball (he did very well again last night, btw. Just baby steppin'.)
Sent off Raff's entry to an Agility trial, which will be Feb. 14 & 15. (This is in the spirit of "not quitting our day job"...he's showing promise in Flyball, but let's be realistic.)
Played a lot of computer games (my current personal favorite being
Flight of the Hamsters...thank you, Shanan!...a close second is
Gold Miner.)
Watched a lot of TV (marathons of That 70's Show, NCIS, True Blood, CSI, and movies.)
Other than battling a bit of cabin fever and my back acting up (probably from the TV marathons), I've truly enjoyed myself. I am going to make a fabulous retired person.
Tomorrow, and for the next 20 years or so, I'll be up at 5:25am. I'll let the dogs out, then make coffee, feed the dogs, sweep the laundry room/kitchen/dining room area, and make my lunch while the coffee brews. I'll take 10 - 15 min. to drink the coffee while staring off into space and petting any dog that happens to be within reach. Then I'll shower, dress in "dog clothes," and hit the backyard for three-way fetch with Wyatt, Raff, and Sheila for about 10 minutes. After that, it's time for Boca's 20 minute walk around the neighborhood. When we get home, I change into my "school clothes" and head off to work. Oh joy, oh rapture.